
Showing posts from April, 2012

Baby Sign Language

Singing songs with sign language is something I've tried to do in the past, and I'd like to try it again now. Someone suggested "The More We Get Together," which would be a great one for babies to learn, because it has the all important "more" word in it.  Here's a version on youtube I'll be studying:  The More We Get Together . Since some (most) of you sing MUCH better than I do, feel free to take a look and start practicing! The More We Get Together The more we get together, t ogether, together, The more we get together,  the happier we'll be. ‘Cause your friends are my friends, And my friends are your friends. The more we get together,  the happier we'll be.

Madeira Beach Egg Hunt, Friday, March 30th

Oooh, put this on your calendars! City of Madeira Beach Recreation Center Annual Egg Hunt Friday March 30 th 10:30 AM Thanks, Amanda, for these great pictures of our cuties!