Bath Storytime, Wednesday, November 28
Try: Splish, Splash, Splosh! by David Melling. Counting Ducks at bathtime TUBBY TIME! Books: Tubby by Leslie Patricelli. Love those Leslie Patricelli books! I had the props for this, so washed my face, played with rubber duck, and dried myself off with a towel. I passed out rubber ducks to the eager toddlers, and that was fine. Next year: Try shaving cream bubbles. Splish, Splash, Splosh! by David Melling. Ducks AND counting. I'm a Dirty Dinosaur by Janeen Brian. Great book for going over parts of a dinosaur's (very dirty) body. Splish, Splash! by Sarah Weeks. I love this goofy, rhymy book. Maybe next year I'll get around to making a flannelboard of it, or a clothesline. It's a fun, bouncy readaloud, as a bunch of animals crowd into a tub. Didn't get to: The Three Little Kittens by Galdone or Clifford's Bathtime How to Bathe Your Little Dinosauar by Jane Clarke board book Songs: Th...