Ever want to be big? Or green? Or fly? You and me both, Little White Rabbit! | | |
Other stories:
- the bunnies are not in their beds by Marisabina Russa. Those naughty bunnies! Even though we turned out the lights in storyhour, they still made a lot of noise & wouldn't go to bed.
- Carry Me by Rosemary Wells.
- Our Peter Rabbit started off the show with this poem: "There was a little bunny who lived in the wood/He wiggled his ears the way a good bunny should./ He hopped by a bush. He hopped by a tree./ He hopped by a flower. He hopped by me./ He nibbled at the bush. He nibbled at the tree./ He nibbled at the flower./ But he winked at me!" Peter Rabbit hopped around the audience nibbling at babies/bushes, babies/flowers, babies/trees by turns, and they seemed to enjoy it very much.
- Peter also performed a rendition of the following song, to Battle Hymn of the Republic "Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his nose/ Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his nose/ Little Peter Rabbit had a fly upon his nose/ and he flicked it till it flew away...& then ear, paw, tail, etc. (Thanks Miss Mary Liberry!) I forgot my fly finger puppet but luckily I had a bumblebee handy.
- And lots of other favorites. I love to watch those babies clapping and rolling their hands and moving.
I love watching those babies period!
Playing after storytime. What a good time! |
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