Train Storyhour

Silly Faces See Me...Go! We started storyhour with this silly book, holding up the book to Sophia & Ryan & Wisdom and other friend's faces and Seeing Them Go! (I won't say they made silly faces -- they took it very seriously.)
Clickety Clack by Rob and Amy Spence is great to read out loud because you can start quiet, get faster & noisier, and then quiet down again. But it is a bit of a challenge for the babies and the timing was off. Next year: In the Driver's Seat by Max Haynes: even more action, and shorter text.

I did my first clothespin story! I did Hillenbrand's Down by the Station, and I loved the dimensionality of it. That said, I don't think I did it very well. Next year, first hang up the animals, and ask what they are. Then talk about where they might be going. To the zoo? How are they going to get there? Then start singing the song and loading up the animals on the cars.
Flannelboard: I asked the babies to move along with me, while I held up a flannelboard w/the different lights on it.
Green says, Go! 
Go! Go! Go!
Yellow says, "Slow!"
And red says,
Stop! Stop! Stop
Go, go, go!

Motor boat, Motor Boat.
The Wheels on the Bus.
2 Little Boats
2 little boats are on the sea (hold baby on lap)
All is calm as calm can be.
Gently the wind begins to blow.
2 little boats rock to and fro (rock gently)
Loudly the wind begins to shout.
2 little boats are tossed about (bounce!)
Gone is the wind, the storm, the rain (stop rocking)
2 little boats sail on again.


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