Cat Storytime, Wednesday, October 5 @ 10:30

B o o k s Stories: Where's Boo by Salina Yoon. I hid the black cat and staged the book by putting props around the room: a pumpkin, a broom, etc., although I did switch some, a basket for the cookie jar. I was careful to put everything up high. Mama Cat has three kittens by Denise Fleming. Perform the kittens' names -- maybe a squeaky soprano Fluffy, Skinny and pull out the Boooooris in a deep bass. Thumpy Feet by Betsy Lewin. All about the sounds Thumpy Feet makes. Props: ball of yarn, toy mouse, bowl of food There are Cats in This Book by Viviane Schwarz. IF I HAD GOTTEN MY PROPS TOGETHER, this would be a great finale, only read the book backwards. First get out your fish, then the cardboard boxes, and then throw a lot of balls of yarn half way unwound around the room. Then the babies could play with the boxes and the yarn. P l a y s Have You Seen My Cat made a very good impromptu play, with some, but not all of the puppets. S o n g s This is th...