Color Storyhour for Babies & Toddlers, Wednesday, September 21 @ 10:30

Brown Rabbit's Shape Book by Alan Baker. So easy to create all the props for this story: a beautiful green box with a big red ribbon and a cylinder (TP roll) inside filled with balloons. I carefully counted out the balloons by turns, and then, one by one, blew them up and let them go winging around the room. Unfortunately, the second one hit me in the face, and the third nicked Amanda. One of the babies began to cry! Note to self -- point the balloons away from the babies!
Flannelboard of Teddy wore a red shirt, red shirt, blue pants, blue pants, etc.


Red Truck, Yellow Bus. Board Book. 
Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Martin with critters downloaded from kizclub.
Cat's Colors by Jane Cabrera
Butterfly, Butterfly by Petr Horacek. Remember the rule of 6!

Songs(Sung to one little, two little, three little Indians)
One little, two little, three little crayons,

Four little, five little, six little crayons,

Seven little, eight little, nine little crayons,

Ten little crayons in a box.

Take out a red one and draw a big circle…

Take out a blue one and draw a straight line…

Take out a yellow one and draw a triangle.

Then put them back in the box!


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