Snow and Snowman Storytime, Wednesday, January 4

Well the weather outside finally feels a bit more like winter. Maybe not snow exactly, but at least we can wear our sweaters, and our babies are so cute bundled up!

  • Frosty the Snowman (reference) Intro: this is a book that makes music. Listen! And then model your shock and amazement at the sound that comes out when you open the book up. (And then get ready to shut it again because there's no stop on it!
  • That's Not My Snowman board book Watt.  Small group in a circle, so I got down with them so they could all touch scarves, etc.
  • Snow by Manya Stojic. Nice book about snow coming and how it affects all those woodland animals the babies love so much -- owls and bunnies, etc. Many puppets
Didn't get to:
  • Hello, Snow by Hope Vestergaard. Short rhymy book; I emphasized the getting dressed part of it and cut it short.
  • Bear Snores On, board book by Karma Wilson.  I did this as a little play, complete with big bear, mouse, badger from PPLC, crow from Halloween, and bunny rabbit. I used the puppet theatre, with the bear sleeping below and the small animals partying above, complete with noisemakers. Next year: use the cauldron to mix up the soup. 
  • If I Were a Polar Bear by Rives. Beautiful pop up book. I read it front to back. It's more exciting that way.
Flannelboard: Snowman flannelboard. 1: Put the snowflakes on while counting with the kids. 2. Have the kids make snowballs with you: Gather the snow, make a ball, and throw it (against the whiteboard). Look! (Put the first snowman ball up. Second, third, add the eyeballs, nose, etc.
  • How many circles are there? What color are they? (I start with the blank side.) What size are they? Large, big, small. I put them on the flannelboard any which way, and then flip them over to make the snowman.
  • I also did this chant:
This is Little, This is Big -- before the Snowman Flannelboard. Use 
Chubby little snowman had a carrot nose. 
Along came a bunny, and what do you suppose?
That hungry little bunny was looking for his lunch
Saw that snowman's nose and nibble..nibble...CRUNCH!

I looked over at Savannah. Shock mingled with an uncertain amount of horror was beginning to overcome her at the snowman's tragic nasal loss.  Even now, I'm not sure if not-yet-two Savannah is incredibly empathetic, a genius at following a new rhyme, or just extremely gullible. I put the nose back on very quickly.

What a nice storytime this was today! I guess I missed you babies over the holidays.


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