Car Storyhour, Truck Storyhour, Transportation Storyhour, Wednesday, June 1 @ 10:30


Silly Faces See Me...Go!  This dopey board book has a big opening in the middle so that as I turn the pages (Flying on a plane is fun! I can fly high in the sky!) I can hold it up to toddler faces for a little audience participation. 
Beep Beep by Petr Horacek
The Babies on the Bus by Karen Katz. The babies on the bus bounced, cried, slept and waved goodbye! Usually I don't vary the favorites with this group because the babies love repetition so much more than originality or a challenge, but Karen Katz, as usual, was right on target.
Toot Toot Beep Beep by Emma Garcia. Sounds + types of vehicles + colors = perfect storytime starter.  This year I used it at the end of the book, rolling different colored cars down a ramp I made from a half sheet of foam board.
Moo! by David Larochelle.  Even though this is my all time favorite, and everyone listens, I don't think the babies get the irony.   
Diggers Go by Steve Light.  Also types of vehicles + sounds, nice and big board book.
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! by the great Mo Willems. This book worked really well.  I was reading it in a deep voice for the driver and a squeakier nagging voice for the pigeon. I skipped a few pages, but all in all, a hit with a very wiggly crew. 
Sheep in a Jeep by Nancy ShawShaw's Sheep books are perfect for toddlers -- except towards the tail end of a really happening storytime. I think it was right around this time that 


(Start slow & pick up speed, while stomping feet and grabbing imaginary steering wheel) 

Motor boat, motor boat, go so slow.
Motor boat, motor boat, go so fast.
Motor boat, motor boat, step on the gas!
         Pick-up truck, pick-up truck, go so slow.
         Pick-up truck, pick-up truck, go so fast.
         Pick-up truck, pick-up truck, step on the gas!
Rocket ship, rocket ship, go so slow. (stand up & move hands in air for take-off)
Rocket ship, rocket ship, go so fast.
Rocket ship, rocket ship, step on the gas!
        Tank engine, tank engine, go so slow. (move hands back & forth like locomotion)
        Tank engine, tank engine, go so fast.
        Tank engine, tank engine, step on the gas!

5 Big Trucks (Maybe too long for babies)
5 big trucks go vroom vroom vroom                           
They hit the road going zoom zoom zoom.     
The dispatcher calls out, “Come on back!”
But only 4 big trucks are on the track.
            The backhoe is at a construction site!
4 big trucks go vroom vroom vroom                           
They hit the road going zoom zoom zoom.     
The dispatcher calls out, “Come on back!”
But only 3 big trucks are on the track.
            The hook & ladder truck is at a fire!
3 big trucks go vroom vroom vroom                           
They hit the road going zoom zoom zoom.     
The dispatcher calls out, “Come on back!”
But only 2 big trucks are on the track.
            The dump truck drops off some dirt!
5 big trucks go vroom vroom vroom                           
They hit the road going zoom zoom zoom.     
The dispatcher calls out, “Come on back!”
But only 1 big truck is on the track.
            The garbage truck drops off a stinky load!
1 big trucks goes vroom vroom vroom                           
It hits the road going zoom zoom zoom.     
The dispatcher calls out, “Come on back!”
But no more big trucks come rolling back.
            The tow truck is towing a car off the track!

Row, row, row your boat

Props:  Five car trucks on clothesline.
Down around the corner at the used car lot
There were 5 big trucks all ready to be bought.
Along came (my turtle puppet), all alone,
She hopped in the green one and she drove home.

Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck
Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck
Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!
   Hurry, hurry, turn the corner
Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder
   Hurry, hurry, squirt the water

Windshield Wiper


  1. Alexandria's GrandmamaFebruary 29, 2012 at 6:09 PM

    Hooray for Alexandria! I'm sure she just wanted to show yet another form of transportation :)
    You do a great job with those babies Miss Travis--they all seem to have so much fun at your storytime. Thank you for all that you do.

    1. Oh, thank you so much! But I'm sure that as Alexandria's grandma, you understand that singing and clapping with those babies on Wednesday morning is the highlight of my week. They are so bright and adorable!


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