Earth Day, Wednesday, April 20 @ 10:30, just after morning naptime

Puppet:  I got out all the puppets who live in my garden: ladybug, snail, bee, snake, frog. Then the turtle puppet honored us with his presence and we did the original Vachel Lindsay poem. There was a little turtle, he lived in a box....


  • Brown Bear, Brown Bear introduced by an extremely large brown teddy bear. This year I'm going to line up some of my kids' chairs on tables (out of reach, and seat: a white seagull, a gray shark, a green turtle, etc. This worked fine: just put them on edge of table.  In other years I used lovely big pictures downloaded from kizclub 
  • I Went to the Bay by Ruth Miller. This short, rhyming tale perfectly describes Florida wildlife.
  • Did not get 2016: The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss. The moms and dads all oohed and ahhed in helpful horror as the Mom and Dad and Brother said, "It won't grow!"
  • Tap the Magic Tree by Christie Matheson.  Moms were a big help, so interactional.


Our usual favorites.


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